Monday 6 June 2011

Winchester City Council releases Planning Maps website powered by Getmapping

Winchester City Council have today launched a new webpage that gives residents 24/7 access to an online tool to create high-quality planning maps.
This new service allows residents and businesses to create map extracts to accompany planning and building control applications. The service is based on Ordnance Survey MasterMap and Getmapping's highly detailed national aerial photography coverage.

This new site has major advantages for the residents of Winchester City Council as they now have a trusted online resource to buy their maps direct from the website without needing to make trips to the Council offices. Of course, residents can still visit the offices and use their suite of computers to produce their planning application map on the web.

This new services also has benefits for the Council itself. Enquires by email, phone or in-person regarding planning application maps can now be referred to this website for a quick and easy way to produce high-quality, consistent maps. This makes the drop-in centre more efficient and thus offers a better service to their public.

To access the new site, click on this link; Winchester City Council: Online Planning Maps and click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Getmapping can create online planning map services for Local Authorities at no cost and in a very short time. The Winchester City Council site was live within a week. For more information, contact myself (Chris Mewse) on email or twitter (CMewseGM).

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