Monday 25 June 2012

Getmapping integrates CycloMedia imagery into Web GIS

Getmapping has integrated CycloMedia street level imagery and tools directly into its web based GIS applications for Local Authorities and Parish Councils.

Bath and North East Somerset Council and Parish Councils in the region are the first to benefit from locationally accurate high resolution street level images which are seamlessly integrated into their existing mapping applications hosted by Getmapping.
Split screen view with Ordnance Survey MasterMap and CycloMedia imagery.

When the CycloMedia module and associated imagery was released by Getmapping it immediately became available to all staff within the organisation thanks to the convenience of Software as a Service (SaaS) . Functionality includes full NLPG property level search with multiple viewing angles displayed in up to three windows. It is also possible to take point and line measurements at sub- centimetre accuracy with full CSV data export. All the data is hosted remotely so there is no hardware overhead. The total solution helps to make staff more productive, reduces the number of site visits and car journeys and therefore cuts carbon emissions.
High resolution view of Bath's Royal Crescent with recording location overlay (in blue).

“CycloMedia imagery makes it possible to reduce staff car usage and Planning, Property and Highways departments are all reporting that they can reduce the number of site visits needed by using it. A 3% reduction will be sufficient to pay for the service,” said Martin Laker, GIS Manager for Bath & North East Somerset Council. “Elsewhere our CRM team are reporting improved response times from being able to find and visualise the property at the outset of a customer call. Being able to validate what is being reported is now much easier. All the imagery is date stamped which is a great help in determining precisely when events occur,” continued Laker.
Sub-centimetre accurate measuring of street assets in 3 dimensions.

“CycloMedia imagery represents an affordable yet superior alternative to out of date, unlicensed Street View imagery increasingly used by Local Authorities today,” said Chris Mewse, GIS Business Development Manager at Getmapping. “By integrating CycloMedia imagery and tools directly into our web applications users can look at aerial photography, a full range of Ordnance Survey maps and then click straight into detailed geometrically accurate street level imagery to understand specific detail. They can even take accurate measurements achieving as much from sitting behind their desktop PC as they can from a site visit,” continued Mewse. “This allows users to apply greater accuracy to asset inventories and improve the service the Local Authority provides to its citizens.”

Thursday 10 May 2012

Parish Online Workshop: Norfolk

Last night we held a Parish Online workshop in the stunning surroundings of the Barnham Broom Hotel and Golf Course. Unfortunately the view was slightly spoilt by the terrible weather but that didn't stop us.
The weather did not look like this...

The meeting was kindly set up by the Norfolk ALC so on behalf of Getmapping we'd like to thank them for that. It was a well attended meeting and we had some very interesting discussions with Parish Clerks and happily some great feedback.

So we gave an introduction to Parish Online and then ran through a live demo on the big screen. We also discussed the PSMA and how it has helped Parish Councils use Parish Online. Then it was question time and we did a few more live demos.

We were pleased to get so much positive feedback from the Parish Online product and the event so thanks to all who came to make the event a success.

To sign up or register for a trial, enter your Parish name on this site...

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Parish Online on Twitter

You can now find Parish Online, as well as other Getmapping people and products on the social network Twitter.
@ParishOnline for our web mapping software for Parish Councils

@GetmappingPLC for Getmapping's news and events

and you can also find some of our staff on twitter;

@GetmappingChris is product manager for Getmapping's Web GIS products
@WoodingChris is one of our senior developers.

#exciting stuff!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

What's New in District Online (Release 3.4)

A few weeks ago we released version 3.40 of our Web GIS. This update applies to all our hosted GIS products; District Online, Parish Online and other customised applications we've made for our customers.

In this update we've concentrated on the Admin Panel that allows administrators to better control the users, user profiles, map groups and map styling. It also now includes the ability to set columns in GIS tables as hyperlinkable (if that's a word) text. This allows a user to Info Click on a map object and then click through to a related document (internal or external) or a webpage.

We've also included functionality that allows the administrator to control which GIS columns are actually shown. This reduces the potential clutter in an Info Click result so that users can see the interesting/important data more easily.

We're working hard on updates ready for version 3.50 and this will come hot off the heels of 3.40 so keep an eye out on the release notes page and this blog!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Parish Online Tutorials

So to complement our recent Parish Online videos introducing the product and to help people understand the PSMA, we've released 8 new videos to show the key features within Parish Online.
We hope that they will assist in the free evaluations we give out and show what can be done in the online software.

There are a few ways you can enjoy these new video nuggets;


Friday 11 November 2011

Understanding Parish Online and the PSMA

Recently we've had a few questions from people asking about the way Parish Online works with the PSMA. Now the world of digital mapping is full of acronyms and to the uninitiated it can get confusing.

So to help with the PSMA, here's a short video to explain it.

Friday 30 September 2011

September: the month of conferences!

As I write this I'm on a Lufthansa A320 heading back from Nuremberg feeling absolutely exhausted. September has been a busy month for us with the majority of the major conferences taking place around this time of the year. Here's what I've been up to!
Addresses, architecture and answers
The month started with a trip to the swanky new Ordnance Survey HQ in Southampton. The OS Insight event that was being held there is where the OS showcase their new products and get feedback from the reseller and partner community (that's us!). At this event they showed us a preview of what everyone now knows as AddressBase, the new addressing product that supersedes the NLPG, AL2 and PAF.
This event answered many of the questions surrounding addressing so was a very useful event. With this insider information and test data our team of developers got started on integrating the new product into our District Online and Parish Online product. We also took the opportunity to add a number of new filters that will greatly assist our Local Authority customers. We expect this to be rolled out in the next week or so meaning that our Web GIS users remain up-to-date with their PSMA datasets.

Satellites, sensors and science
The following week saw me down in Bournemouth for the Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc) Annual Conference. I've been a member of this society for a good few years now and the annual conference is a great event full of brilliant scientists and professionals delivering interesting and thought-provoking presentations. The highlight for me was Dr Robert Bindschadler's (NASA) talk on the use of Remote Sensing in analysis of the Antarctic. It was a great insight into the work he has done over the last 25 years. Now it doesn't really affect my day-to-day job as there isn't really a need for Web Mapping services on the most Southern part of this Earth (yet!), but it's great to see what others are doing in my field of interest; namely Remote Sensing and GIS.
As for the rest of the event, many new interesting leads and connections were made that will affect how Getmapping's products and services will form in the future... all very exciting stuff! I would highly recommend becoming a member of RSPSoc as it gives you the opportunity to interact with such an amazing group of people. My only fear for next years conference (in Greenwich) is I'll inevitably get dragged into taking part in the Ceilidh. Spoons at the ready! (inside joke, sorry!).
Geo-geeks, Twitter and Surfing
Before I knew it anther week was over and I found myself (geographically, not philosophically) in Nottingham for another big event, the Association of Geographic Information (AGI) GeoCommunity annual conference. This is the largest collection of GI professionals in the UK you're ever likely to find. It was great to catch up with friends, colleagues and also find new possibilities and areas that our Web GIS products could be used.
This year was interesting due to the ever-increasing use of twitter during the conference. #geocom was heavily used and I found myself drawn in to the silent discussion undercurrent over the twittersphere whilst presentations were taking place (@GetmappingChris). Some were serious points, some were questions and some were light-hearted jokes, but it was all an added media experience I enjoyed. The biggest twitter uproar was the flagrant use of Google Maps during an Ordnance Survey presentation; something the die-hard cartographers were shocked at (including me I might add)!
So my highlight (apart from the notebook full of leads and techy ideas) was Kimberly Kowal's (Lead Curator for the British Library) presentation, a cartographic tour de force of stunning visuals, historic mapping and geeky nuggets of knowledge. My lowlight, well, there are two. The first being that my house is now FULL of conference paraphernalia; notebooks, magazines, flyers, pens, hemp bags, postcards and print outs! The second, my shock and horror as I realise that whilst talking to someone on my right at dinner, my (rather delicious) starter had been whisked away without having the chance to finish it! The only consolation to this... seeing my colleague fail spectacularly on the surf machine at the evening party! Fortunately he remained unharmed and is currently busy coding features in District Online!

Parishes, PSMA and the Ordnance Survey
As I headed to Heathrow for the next part of my September, my colleagues were holding a Parish Online event in Hook. This was to generate interest in our Parish mapping tool for Clerks and Councillors to help them manage their Parish more easily.
With our 30 day free trial still running we're seeing new Parishes sign up every day. This is brilliant news as we really believe in the power of mapping to assist in the Parish Clerk's work.

With the PSMA allowing Parishes a licence for OS maps, Parish Online is established as an essential tool for viewing and using the mapping data without needing professional GIS software. We're also happy to hear that the Ordnance Survey see Parish Online as a great way for Public Sector bodies to use mapping in an intelligent and easy way. I will have more news on Parish Online in the weeks to come as we continue to improve it based on feedback from our customers and new leads from the previous conferences.

Bratwurst, weißbeer and sunshine
Now by the title to this you would assume I spent the week in Germany relaxing outside with a beer and fine Bavarian cuisine? Well not quite! I was at Intergeo, one of the largest exhibitions I've ever been to! We had a stand and were able to showcase our Web GIS (District Online and Parish Online) as well as our European aerial survey operations and data streaming services. We also had the chance to catch up with companies that we've been working with recently, such as Cyclomedia. Our collaboration to add Cyclomedia street-level imagery into District Online has been a great success in its current beta-guise.

As for Germany as a whole, I love it and have spent quite a lot of time there in the past so it was nice to reacquaint myself with fantastic food and drink and the occasional bit of sunshine (when I managed to escape the conference centre!). At least the great weather over Europe has been keeping our Flight Operations department busy!
So that was my September! October looks to be busy too with the PSMA roadshow that we'll be taking part in. Hopefully I'll have time in between to clear up my house!
Thanks for reading and look out for me and my colleagues at the London, Nottingham, Cardiff and Manchester shows!